
What It's Like: A Personal Story of Suffering - The Puppy

The Puppy
By Janice Veldman

She was sitting in her easy chair
Not really thinking
More like resting

The puppy looked at her
Big brown eyes
She spoke to him
She reached to touch him
She wanted to cuddle with him

She tells her friend
A puppy came from out of no where
Don’t touch him though
He will disappear

He comes every day
Just listens to me talk
We sit together
Eager for tomorrow

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Author: Carole D. Bos, J.D. 5199stories and lessons created

Original Release: Apr 21, 2019

Updated Last Revision: Sep 20, 2024

Media Credits

This image depicts an illustration created by August Natterer, a German artist, who produced drawings of his hallucinations. For this illustration—circa 1911-1913—he wrote:  "My eyes at the moment of the Apparition." Image online via Wikimedia Commons.


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"The Puppy" AwesomeStories.com. Apr 21, 2019. Sep 20, 2024.
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