
What It's Like: A Personal Story of Suffering - Lost Thoughts

By Janice Veldman

I see it
not clearly
but I see it
the cistern of thoughts

hope heightens
anticipation is half the thrill
salivating at the thought
arriving I lower my bucket
drawing it up
it feels light

I empty the pail
eager to sort into neat little piles
of organized thought
to achieve cohesiveness
having been dry for some time

mud covered most of the draw

it seemed my thoughts
had morphed into globs
 stuck together
connectives gave way to garble
it would take effort to sort
 muddled by passing time
no longer coherent
dusty, futile

what does it matter
let the wind blow them away

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Author: Carole D. Bos, J.D. 5199stories and lessons created

Original Release: Apr 21, 2019

Updated Last Revision: Sep 20, 2024

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"Lost Thoughts" AwesomeStories.com. Apr 21, 2019. Sep 20, 2024.
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