Famous People Story Briefs

People who change the world may, or may not, be famous in their own lifetimes. Often it takes years for others to understand forward-thinking contributions. This collection introduces you to some of the world's most-famous people

Who risked all to aid those in need during the Holocaust? Corrie Ten Boom, a Dutch woman living in the town of Haarlem with her father and sister, dec...

Cosmo Lang was Archbishop of Canterbury during Britain's 1936 abdication crisis.

Beethoven dedicated one of his most famous works - known today as the "Moonlight Sonata" - to Countess Giulietta (Julia) Guicciardi. His letters leav...

A Caliph, called Omar, allegedly wrote "The Covenant of Peace," directed to Christians living in Jerusalem.

Two close friends, C.S. LewisandJ.R.R. Tolkien, debate the differences between myths and lies.

Darius I the Great King of Persia

Elizabeth Shoumatoff (1888-1980) was painting President Roosevelt's portrait at his Little White House, in Warm Springs, on the 12th of April, 1945. T...

Celebrating her Sapphire Jubilee, on 6 Feb 2017, Queen Elizabeth II is Britain's longest-reigning monarch following the untimely death of her father.

Voted "The Greatest Briton," by his country, Winston Churchill died on January 24, 1965. After lying in state, at Westminster, he had a state funeral ...

Not long after she received her diary, as a birthday present, Anne Frank and her father took a walk together near their Amsterdam home.

Three days after Anne Frank told "Kitty" about an unsettling conversation with her father - that the Frank family may have to go into hiding somewhere...

Anne Frank, a Jewish girl living with her family in Amsterdam, was thirteen years old during the summer of 1942.  At the time, German forces were...

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