Famous People Story Briefs

People who change the world may, or may not, be famous in their own lifetimes. Often it takes years for others to understand forward-thinking contributions. This collection introduces you to some of the world's most-famous people

Charles Nelson Reilly - who became a famous actor, comedian, director and drama teacher - was attending the Ringling Bros. circus, in Hartford, on the...

Prince Albert, who was born in Germany, brought his childhood love of Christmas traditions to his growing family.

"I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat." -Winston Churchill

On the 4th of June, 1940, Winston Churchill addressed Parliament about the rescue of surrounded British and French soldiers at Dunkirk. It was the la...

One of Australia's most popular writers - before he died in 1938 - was given a very long name at birth: Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis.

Darrow was one of America's best trial lawyers of the 20th century. He often took-on cases which everyone thought he'd lose - then - he'd get a verdi...

Clement Clark Moore, author of the now-famous "Night Before Christmas," published his poem on December 23, 1823 in the "Troy Sentinel" newspaper.

Errol Flynn, a famous actor, died in Vancouver. Canadian authorities sent his remains to Los Angeles via train.

Colonel Benjamin Oliver Davis, Jr.

Edgar Allan Poe, the creator of the detective-story genre, left-behind a major mystery involving his own death. Was he the victim of cooping, an illeg...

After King Edward I (of England) removed the Stone of Scone (from Scotland), in 1296, he ordered the creation of a special throne (called the Coronati...

Television is in its infancy on the day of George VI's coronation. As he and his Queen Consort, Elizabeth, make their way to Westminster Abbey - on M...

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