Famous People Story Briefs

People who change the world may, or may not, be famous in their own lifetimes. Often it takes years for others to understand forward-thinking contributions. This collection introduces you to some of the world's most-famous people

While he was on the run, following his escape from Washington, John Wilkes Booth recorded his thoughts in a diary. Some of its pages are missing, lead...

When Napoleon and his men reach the Berezina River, they find the bridge destroyed and the river thawed. To escape a trap, they must build a 100-mete...

Dylan Thomas was distraught, in 1951, as his father - David John Thomas - was gravely ill. It caused the son to write a poem about his father.

Dorothea Lange, a famous American photographer who captured the plight of Depression-era people with her camera, took many still-famous pictures in th...

During the summer of 1964, known as "Freedom Summer," college students try to help African-Americans register to vote for the upcoming federal electio...

Interesting facts about MLK to ponder on MLK Day...such as why his father changed his name. While visiting Memphis, Tennessee - on the 4th of April, 1...

Dr. Richard Feynman was always known for speaking his mind. When his work led him to a conclusion which seemed at odds with the conclusions (or desire...

Prince Albert, the Duke of York, is apprehensive about a speech he is to give at Wembley Stadium. It does not go well.

Meet Dylan Thomas who lived hard, wrote beautifully and died young (at 39) while leaving behind some of the most-loved poems written in English.

Known for the musical word rhythms which he created, Poe is often-called one of America's greatest poets.

Thomas Edison announces his invention of the phonograph on the 21st of November, 1877 - and - we can hear it. The clip is the first "listenable" piece...

You'll be surprised to learn the compelling story behind the famous painting by Edvard Munch called "The Scream."

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