Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

After 3 days and nights of fighting, the Air Force is able to assist the US soldiers by using guns, bombs and napalm.

Friendly troops rescue US soldiers. Mike Durant, the hostage, is released after 11 days.

A rescue team looks to find ships caught in the storm, but the storm makes the mission too dangerous for the rescuers. One of them dies and his body ...

South Korea forms a small operational defense force, and the North begins talks of invasion.

Kitchener and his soldiers defeat the Mahdist, destroy The Mahdi's tomb and desecrate his body.

In September 1898, Major General Horatio Herbert Kitchener leads a force of Anglo-Egyptian soldiers against the Mahdist and forces them into the deser...

Using an early form of democracy, Greek city-states fight to keep their rights.

To end the Huguenot threat to the king's power, Richelieu orders the siege of La Rochelle, a Huguenot fortress on the Atlantic coast.

Rick "Hard Core" Rescoria jumps off a helicopter to rescue soldiers; on 9/11 he dies helping others escape from 2 World Trade Center.

Isaac Cline, Galveston weatherman, notices rising water and high tides; he sends a telegram to Washington DC to report flooding.

Ambigrams are words which look the same whether you view them right-side-up or upside-down.

Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson both believe in a democratic society, with freedom to worship as one chooses.

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