Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

Eighty years later, on the anniversary of their brutal execution, the Russian peoplelay the Romanov family to rest in St. Petersburg.

Former Tsar Nicholas, his wife, his son, his four daughters, and four of their assistants are shot in a cellar in their exiled home.

Rome dominates the Jews and their county while Jesus preaches love and forgiveness.

The Catholic Church tries to repress scientific ideas which go against Church dogma; the Illuminati, a secret group, allegedly forms to promote scient...

Britons seek help from Angles, Saxons and Jutes to keep out invaders; before long, those helpers also become attacking invaders.

The secrecy around Area 51, a U.S. base in Nevada, makes it the focus ofconspiracy theoriesand a central part of UFO folklore.

The tomb of Philip II reveals artifacts that show what life is like in the time of Alexander the Great.

In 1870, Charles MacLaren finds the ruins of the city of Troy after following landscape descriptions from Homer in the Iliad. Later the city of Mycena...

Improving its original design, Galileo uses the telescope to view the sky and planets.

Hitler seeks to conceal the sinking of the Gustloff and a second German vessel.

Sacagawea, a Shoshone Indian teenager, works as an interpreter on the Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the west.

While traveling with Lewis and Clark, Sacagawea encourages Indian tribes to sell supplies and help the Corps of Discovery.

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