Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

Today, the Catholic Church still holds that Purgatory is a place where a person's soul goes after death.

The day after Gravelines, the wind pushes the Spanish Armada into the North Sea; they have a chance to make landfall and fight towards London. Queen E...

After unifying the states of China, King Zheng creates a new title calling himself theFirst Emperor of Qin, often shortened to Qin Shi Huangdi.

Indonesians decide to get rid of native trees and replace them with more valuable oil palm trees.

Pyroclastic flow follows the initial cloud of ash and pumice.

First found in Mongolia, during 1924, the Raptor is agile and capable of inflicting serious damage with its "sickle"claw.

The real D'Artagnan lives during a time when seeds of the French Revolution are planted.

Research into crop circles continues and so does the efforts of believers of supernatural activity, who look for proof to back their claims.

The Japanese have the authority to kill all prisoners and leave no trace.

The search for bodies from the Titanic and their burial.

America adopts child labor laws in 1938, but other countries still employ children to provide cheap labor.

The Babylonians worship at Ziggurats and have many gods; the most famous is Marduk.

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