Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

On June 7, 1692 an earthquake destroys Port Royal and the town never recovers.

While waiting for Stalin to arrive, President Truman writes of the devastation in Berlin.

A series of unfortunate incidents cause the most deadly plane crash in history.

Buoy sensors, satellite images and airplanes help weather services to predict bad weather and warn people of impending dangers.

Hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones develop over warm water and can be very dangerous.

Even though Raymond has an agreement with Saladin, the Franks on his land attack Saladin's men.

Elizabeth is the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn; she receives a good education and can speak six languages.

In 1998, Al-Qaeda terrorists coordinate two nearly simultaneous bombings at U.S. embassies.

Terrorists connected to Osama Bin Laden use explosives aboard a small boat to bomb a U.S. naval destroyer in Yemen.

An Italian soldier, Captain Corelli is a fictional mandolin player who falls in love with a Greek woman; Amos Pampaloni is believed to be Corelli's re...

Pteranodon is one of the great flying reptiles from the Cretaceous Era.

Martin Luther thinks Purgatory is nothing more than a Church plan to get people's money.

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