Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

As US relief troops march towards LZ Albany, North Vietnamese hide behind giant anthills and ambush them.

Thousands from the Gustloff die in the frigid waters of the Baltic Sea.

At the Horns of Hattin battle, Saladin's army defeats the Crusaders.

To teach Dostoevsky and his group a lesson, the Tsar stages a firing squad to show what could happen if they ignore the laws.

Hexavalent chromium (also known as "Chrome 6" or "Chrome VI") is dangerous. This sign, positioned near PG&E's Hinkley compressor station, warns pe...

In the city of Nanking, China, Japanese soldiers plunder, rape and kill thousands of men, women and children.

Through the hands of Attila, death and destruction befall the towns of Lombardy.

The Bataan Death March, shown in photos and maps, lasts over 60 miles; many Filipino and US soldiers die.

In the Temple of Apollo, Paris shoots an arrow into Achilles' heel and kills him.

Achilles engages Hector in a man-to-man fight and kills him. Achilles drags the body behind his chariot before agreeing to return the body to Hector's...

When Jesus brings his friend Lazarus back from the dead, the plot to Jesus begins.

The Mahdi dies after capturing Khartoum, but his Mahdist forces make Omdurman their capital.

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