Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

The Byzantine emperor asks Pope Urban II for crusades against the Muslim Turks, who have taken most of Asia Minor from him.

Crystal Skulls are human skull carvings made of quartz and may be pre-Columbian but carbon-dating is useless because quartz does not contain carbon.

Web sites and other information on Cuneiform, Hieroglyphics, and ancient Persia.

Japanese leaders, believing they are racially superior, invade China with soldiers who are not afraid to die for their country.

Although fictional, the journey David takes once free from a labor camp reflects that of many of the inmates in such camps.

One of history's most famous battles is between Flavius Aetius' army and Attila's army.

The Bowery Boys help the police enforce an anti-saloon law, but a riot breaks-out, led by the Dead Rabbits gang.

As soldiers rescue Black Hawk Super 64's crew, they are overtaken by a Somali mob who drags one soldier's body through the city. Another soldier is he...

In areas that contain pollution from PG&E's plants, the utility company is buying and tearing down homes.

Nicholas' daughters survive the first hail of gunfire because the gems sewn into their clothing provide some protection from the bullets.

There is not enough wood for coffins to bury all those who are dying, in Ireland, during "The Great Hunger.".

The Chinese army encircles US Marine divisions at the Chosin Reservoir, kills many, and forces them to retreat.

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