Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

Despite the horrible wartime conditions in Poland, Szpilman manages to stay hidden and alive.

During the "Perfect Storm," the Andrea Gail and her six-member crew disappear without a trace.

George Mallory and Andrew Irvine disappear in 1924 while attempting to become the first to summit Mt. Everest.

Despite fatal German counter attacks, the Allies manage to secure the Normandy beachhead.

Jean Chastel finally kills and buries The Beast of Gevaudan; the legend may live on in "Little Red Riding Hood" and other fairy tales.

"Plan BODYGUARD" serves to provide false information to the Germans, leading to Hitler's final days.

PG&E tells residents of Hinkley that their "groundwater is good and suitable for drinking" even though it contains unsafe levels of cancer-causing che...

Before it issued the flyer, PG&E met with the people of Hinkley on April 25, 1988.   During the meeting, defendant (PG&E) told citize...

The decision makers divide Germany into East and West as residents struggle to survive.

Saladin captures King Guy but spares his life; he executes almost everyone else.

Losing hope, many Britons flee the country; others yield to Anglo-Saxons and become their slaves.

Few homes or buildings remain in Galveston after the hurricane.

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