Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

Filthy trenches in WWI Europe are a perfect breeding ground for the Spanish Flu brought overseas by U.S. soldiers.

Dostoevsky suffers greatly due to the deaths of his wife and brother and gambling losses.

Barrie helps financially and emotionally as both Sylvia Llewelyn Davies and her husband die of cancer; their five young boys are orphans.

See what trains (and their power sources) look like during the early years of the transcontinental railroad.

In 1869, the Union Pacific and Central Pacific finish their joint building of the Transcontinental Railroad which connects America's east and west coa...

Benedict Arnold, a general for the Continental Army, devises a plan to yield West Point to the British. His name, forever after, means "traitor" to Am...

Upon his death, Thomas' father leaves instructions that his son is to receive "a thorough classical education."

"No Man's Land" is the open and dangerous territory between Allied and German trenches during WWI.

Sue is a nearly complete T-Rex skeleton, found in South Dakotabut now residing in Chicago's Field Museum.

Once the parties agreed on an orderly way to arbitrate the case, about 36 claims were tried. The process took nearly two years. The plaintiffs' lawyer...

The settlement requires that PG&E stop using chromium 6, clean up the environment, and pay $333 million to the plaintiffs.

Triceratops was a plant-eating dinosaur with huge horns and weighed around 5 tons.

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