Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

The design of the ship and the supplies carried by the Titanic.

102 passengers, 41 of whom are Pilgrims, set out in the Mayflower on a late-fall journey across the sea to Virginia.

Lee Harvey Oswald works in Dallas. He knows the President's motorcade route will pass by the building in which he works.

Thomas builds Monticello on his family's land in Virginia.

Every month, PG&E sends 750,000 gallons of chrome 6 wastewater to the unlined ponds in Hinkley.

Hexavalent chromium (Chromium VI), a cancer-causing chemical used by Pacific Gas & Electric Company in Hinkley, poisoned the groundwater of the co...

CIA agent, Tony Mendez, creates a plan and leads a rescue mission for six U.S. diplomats in Tehran.

KLM 4805 taxies down the runway directly toward Pan Am 1736, unaware of the risk the bad weather causes.

Learn about Robert E. Lee and the famous military leaders for the Confederate States of America.

Learn about Ulysses S. Grant and the other famous Union military leaders.

Churchill, Truman, and Stalin plan to meet in the Potsdam suburb of Berlin in July 1945 to determine the political fate of Europe.

Tortuga, located off the coast of Haiti, is home to buccaneers and a safe harbor for pirates.

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