Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

When they migrate, Monarch butterflies take three different paths, depending on whether they begin east or west of the Rocky Mountains.

Before Jefferson even made the land purchase, he asked Meriwether Lewis to look for a waterway between the Missouri River and the Pacific Ocean.

The Missouri Compromise allows a part of the former Louisiana Territory - admitted into the Union as a state called Missouri - to be a slave-holding s...

It is due to the bravery of Leonidas' 300 that Athens and the rest of Greece continue to fight the Persians.

A descripion of what each generation of Monarchs accomplishes.

Everyone in and around Dallas knows the motorcade's widely publicized route.

Since the Empress becomes so dependent on Rasputin,members of the family believe murder is the only way to get rid of the monk.

Frozen in ice, George Mallory's newly discovered body remains preserved 75 years after his death.

See the area around Devonshire, where the Narracott family lives, and learn about horses in the area.

The Navajo Nation governs itself through tribal councils; children are educated at "white" schools, it is hard work to build homes and roads in rugged...

Most scholars agree the New Testament originates within the first century after Christ's birth.

Legend says seventy-two Jewish scholars translate the Torah to Greek in seventy-two days; thus branding the Greek Old Testament the Septuagint.

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