Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

While history tells us that Dracula fought the Turks to save his country from being concquered by the Ottoman Empire, Romanian folklore and literature...

Regardless whether Sacajawea lived a short or long life, stories have sprung up about her. The US Mint created a gold dollar in her honor, schools in ...

Wanting his gifts to be anonymous, Nicholas (according to the legend) throws gold coins into open windows of houses or down chimneys.

Even though he is a legendary American, little is known of the life of Daniel Boone.

This manuscript is an amazing example of book painting that is even older than the Diamond Sutra.

Beatrix writes twenty-three little books for children, which remain popular today.

Read a poem about the Lorax, written in a style similar to Dr. Seuss' writing style.

The Mahdi and his soldiers, known as dervishes, kill Egyptians who refuse to adopt his version of Islam; slave trade resumes and alcohol is forbidden.

The Germans consider the Italians as traitors, not prisoners of war, so they massacre them; Pampaloni survives.

A democratic agreement forms the government for Plymouth, where the Pilgrims settle despite death and illnesses.

Learn about the Civil-War-era soldiers, for the North and the South, through pictures from the National Archives.

Witnesses state the slaves are well-fed, comfortable, and happy during the ocean passage.

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