Famous Historical Topics & Events Chapters

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

American slaves rarely fight for their freedom.

South Carolina History Standard 8-5.1 The impact of Reconstruction, Industrialization, and Progressivism

The search for bodies from the Titanic and their burial.

People wear red poppies on Veterans' Day. Why is that? Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red, an artistic display of 888,246 ceramic poppies at the Tower ...

The Red Tail pilots begin to shoot down superior German bombers.

Read a poem about the life of Reema Samaha, an 18 year-old freshman in Urban Planning.

Here are links about Puritans, Quakers, Mary Dyer, and Anne Hutchinson.

Most of America's early colonists are trying to escape punishment for their religious beliefs, yet it continues in America.

Although Raoul Wallenberg disappeared without a trace, the world remembers all he did to save many people from certain death at the hands of the Nazis...

Read about Japanese and US soldiers, naval ships, famous WWII places and how the Japanese and US remain allies today.

Sam Houston and Santa Anna recount the battle of San Jacinto. Houston's rallying cry is "Remember Goliad! Remember the Alamo!" as they defeat the Mexi...

After 3 days and nights of fighting, the Air Force is able to assist the US soldiers by using guns, bombs and napalm.

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