Famous Historical Topics & Events Chapters

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Pyroclastic flow follows the initial cloud of ash and pumice.

Raoul Wallenberg tells Iver Olsen that he will work to save as many Hungarian Jews as possible from being sent to Nazi camps.

On a visit to Palestine, now known as Israel, Raoul Wallenberg met a new friend who told him about troubling events in Germany.

As Eichmann tries to send more and more Jews out of Hungary to Auschwitz, Raoul Wallenberg devises a plan to keep the Jews from being deported.

While watching a movie with his sister, called "Pimpernel Smith," Raoul Wallenberg determines that he will do in real life with the lead character in ...

Working with the Swedish Embassy, in Hungary, Raoul Wallenberg continues with his plan to save Hungarian Jews.

First found in Mongolia, during 1924, the Raptor is agile and capable of inflicting serious damage with its "sickle"claw.

Since the Empress becomes so dependent on Rasputin, members of the family believe murder is the only way to get rid of the monk.

Rasputin treats Alexei's hemophilia and becomes a trusted, close advisor to the Romanov family.

Many people believe that the police cover-up the identity of the Ripper because he is someone of importance in London.

Webster's familyreceives help from a most unlikely source after his trip to the gallows - Dr. Parkman's widow.

The Japanese have the authority to kill all prisoners and leave no trace.

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