What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.
Although Lizzie's documents still exist, a Supreme Court ruling protects the papers of the deceased from the public.
In 1993, evidence surfaces where James Maybrick claims to be Jack the Ripper.
Family members are put in different camps where they work on large projects, such as the White Sea Canal.
Scholars disagree about the reliability of slave memoirs and oral histories.
Facts about Bobby's fatal shooting are still in dispute today.
Questions remain about the Allied lack of action toward the death camps, but all the clues are not available until after the war.
Despite internal opposition in Iran, Americans help Britain to remove Mossadeq from power. This action damages America's relationship with Iran.
Mossadeq upsets Britain by taking back control of Iran's oil; the U.S. agrees to partner with Britain to overthrow him.
Learn what happens to the players and staff after the A's 2002 season.
Most likely beginning in the Gobi Desert, the plague spreads throughout Asia and then Europe following trade routes.
Unsterile conditions during the searches for the bullet result in a deadly infection and blood poisoning.
Bodies of the Romanov family remain in a shallow grave until 1979, when they are found.