What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.
German Otto Beyersdorff concludes within five weeks that the exterior paint on the Hindenburg caught fire. It takes 60 years for U.S. scientists to ag...
Within 34 seconds, the Hindenburg catches fire, remains level, but then bursts into flames and crashes. There are eyewitness reports, movies and photo...
King John continues to fight with the nobles until his death. Eight hundred years later the Magna Carta is still an important document.
Joan becomes a hero in history and her accusers become villains; many of those had most-unfortunate endings.
King Bruce wants to atone for his mistakes and orders that upon his death, his heart be cut out and taken on a Crusade.
Black Death (or pestilence) gets its name from black boils which appear on the bodies of infected people.
A bacterium, Yersinia pestis, causes Bubonic plague; the oriental rat flea transmits the disease to humans from black rats.
The Magna Carta grants certain liberties to noblemen and, years later, becomes a basis for American rights and liberties.
Politicians (Bundy and McNamara) with little knowledge of Vietnamese history want to defeat Communism, and look for an excuse to fight North Vietnam.
Luigi Galvani believes that a frog's leg twitches because of electricity inside the frog while Alessandro Volta believes the electricity comes from ou...
Pvt. Joseph McDonald receives the radar message from Opana Point but cannot get anyone to believe him about the incoming Japanese planes until it is t...
Lizzie is a suspect in the of killing her family because she is home alone, she seems greedy, and her testimony is suspicious.