Character Education Chapters

What better way for a youth to explore issues of character and to find their ethical center than through stories? Here is a collection of inspirational and thought-provoking stories to fuel that search.

Brashear is one of only seven enlisted men with oral histories profiled by the U.S. Naval Institute.

Rick "Hard Core" Rescoria jumps off a helicopter to rescue soldiers; on 9/11 he dies helping others escape from 2 World Trade Center.

The Catholic Church makes Nicholas a saint and his feast day is the anniversary of his death: December 6.

Saint Nicholas of Bari is kind to children, protects sailors and gives generously of himself and his material possessions.

Ted Narracott, a Boer-War veteran, buys a Thoroughbred colt because he needs a horse to work his farm.

Thirty years after the Swann case ruling, white plaintiffs claim race based admission policies are biased and want the previous ruling overturned.

Who is Jacob Marley? Is it possible that he can visit his old partner, Ebenezer Scrooge, although Marley's been dead for seven years?

After the war is over, Japan's leaders admit they never broke the Navajo code. Code Talkers may not tell anyone what their mission has been.

Watching the dripping of icicles might give us some idea of what it's like for a person with dementia whose thoughts seem to drip from their once-focu...

Hitler underestimates Stalin and the Russian people when he plans to conquer the Soviet Union.

When he is just a toddler, Spencer West loses his legs at the knee. When he is five, he loses both legs just below the pelvis.

Spencer West, a man without legs, uses his hands and his wheelchair to climb Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain.

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