Character Education Chapters

What better way for a youth to explore issues of character and to find their ethical center than through stories? Here is a collection of inspirational and thought-provoking stories to fuel that search.

When he is born on January 7, 1981, Spencer West has a congenital condition which will lead to amputation of both his legs.

Spencer West decides to launch a campaign to help African children get clean drinking water. He calls it "Redefine Possible."

Benedict Arnold, ageneral for the Continental Army, creates a plan to give up West Point to the British.

Is a person, whose ability to speak is diminished by illness, able to speak to her husband with her eyes only?

With her father's support Susan B. Anthony fights against discrimination.

In order to survive, starving men of the whaleship Essex resort to cannabilism, the very thing which kept them from seeking refuge at islands much-clo...

On November 5, 1872 citing the 14th Amendment, Susan B. Anthony casts her vote in the Presidential election.

Zaitsev trains Tania Chernova, a female Russian-American, who seeks revenge against the Germans.

Special times and special stories take on new meaning between a grandmother and her grandson.

Calling for Americans to "bind up the nation's wounds," Lincoln has hopes for a reunited America. Soon after his second inaugural, however, Lincoln di...

Does the United States know about the assassination of South Korea's President Diem before it happens?

When a caring nurse bathes a patient it can be a gift of mercy.

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