Character Education Chapters

What better way for a youth to explore issues of character and to find their ethical center than through stories? Here is a collection of inspirational and thought-provoking stories to fuel that search.

Vasily Zaitsev is one of the Soviet snipers who helps the Russians overcome the Germans.

Once again the Nutcracker comes to life, this time eliminating the threat of the Mouse King by ending the seven-headed monster's life.

Pioneers and their loaded wagons move west, forcing Native Americans to leave their ancestral lands.

To a person with dementia, wandering - a fearsome thing - takes place in the mind as well as in the body.

A person with dementia can watch the same film many times but it seems new with each successive viewing.

Top-secret study of America's involvement in Vietnam leads to many federal-government lies being exposed.

German Otto Beyersdorff concludes within five weeks that the exterior paint on the Hindenburg caught fire. It takes 60 years for U.S. scientists to ag...

Many South Vietnamese people do not support the war and want peace.

Some see Boone's decision to surrender to the Shawnee to protect his men and the fort as a traitorous betrayal.

Marie, known as Clara in some versions of "The Nutcracker," contemplates the presents she'd received on Christmas Eve. In this chapter, of E.T.A. Hoff...

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