Character Education Chapters

What better way for a youth to explore issues of character and to find their ethical center than through stories? Here is a collection of inspirational and thought-provoking stories to fuel that search.

Eyewitness accounts confirm there were no North Vietnamese boats in sight during the alleged attack of August 4, 1964.

The verdict of history, regarding governmental deceptions and lies revealed in the Pentagon Papers, may reveal that because of their publication, the ...

Before her death in 1968, Helen earns the Presidential Medal of Freedom and joins the Woman's Hall of Fame.

When Abe Lincoln was a young boy of seven, he nearly drowned in Knob Creek.

In 1869, the Union Pacific and Central Pacific finish their joint building of the Transcontinental Railroad which connects America's east and west coa...

As a person with dementia tries to convey her thoughts, things don't come out the way she intends. To her, it seems as though the thoughts are trapped...

Even after he was arrested in New York City, during 1935, Victor Lustig was not-yet finished with his lifetime as a con man.

By the time people knew Robert Miller as Count Victor Lustig, the con man was a master at deceiving people with his money-box schemes.

Forced to flee France, because he "sold" the Eiffel Tower to unsuspecting Parisian scrap-metal dealers, Victor Lustig returns to Prohibition-Era Ameri...

A con man who twice sold the Eiffel Tower, for scrap, Victor Lustig (also known as "Tricky Vic") spent a career hoodwinking people for money.

As Drosselmeier concludes his story, Marie begins to wonder if the Nutcracker is actually her Godfather's nephew.

Trained to conduct salvage missions, Brashear and his team aboard the USS Hoist go to retrieve the missing hydrogen bomb.

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