
Why Use AwesomeStories? - The Myth of the Digital Native

"Digital Native", Not quite, by Michael, Michialis, GreenBook, Fair Use.

We all hear that the students we see in today’s classrooms are much different than those of just a decade ago. These so-called "digital natives" can text, Facebook, Tweet and use Google search with lightning speed.

But ... beyond these skills, they don’t engage in critical thinking, evaluation of sources, transfer of knowledge (from one setting to another), organize research (according to differing points of view) or use advanced searching skills.

They use the Internet, at the top-skin level, and without digging deeper than the first source they find. No critical thinking employed!

Many students don’t even realize that they don’t know what they don’t know! If they did realize the knowledge they are missing, by simply accepting the browser suggestions, they would ask for help.

When was the last time a student asked you, as a teacher, for help searching a topic?

And sadly, when they fail at the first step of research—getting accurate, unbiased, timely, differing points of view on a topic, with primary-source reliability—they have already failed at the critical analysis you want them to do when you assign a research project or writing assignment.

Digital Naifs + quality teacher guidance can yield 21st-century learners. AwesomeStories gives teachers and students the resources and tools they need to research and to build their knowledge base.

Original Release: Aug 15, 2016

Updated Last Revision: Oct 16, 2024

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"The Myth of the Digital Native" AwesomeStories.com. Aug 15, 2016. Feb 27, 2025.
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