STEM Videos

Science, technology, engineering and math are key subjects to study in today's rapidly changing, technology-based society. They are also great subjects for interesting stories.

For nearly 50 years, scientists around the world have been thinking about, and searching for, a sub-atomic particle called the "Higgs Boson.

Likely the biggest sea predator of all time, the giant Liopleurodon - were it still alive - would dwarf a sperm whale.

At the height of the Everest climbing season, we think about Sherpas and how they help adventurers climb the world's tallest mountain. In both 2014 an...


This clip, from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), explains how the Mars Exploration Rovers (Spirit and Opportunity) reached the Martian surface.

One of the most famous crystal skulls in the world, the Skull of Doom (also known as the Mitchell-Hedges skull) remains a mystery.

How did Carnotaurus catch its prey? Perhaps, because of its vaulted skull, it could have behaved something like a snapping turtle.

On the 14th of October, 1947, Chuck Yeager dropped from the bomb bay of a B-29.

Trying to catch-up to the Soviets lead in space-and-rocket science, the American government created NASA (in 1958).

What is the background for developing, and launching, Sputnik - the world's first artificial satellite?

Sixty kilometers above the states of Louisiana and Texas, the space shuttle Columbia began to disintegrate on the morning of February 1, 2003.

Unknown to Columbia's astronauts, orbiter sensors were going offline while observers on the ground recorded something falling away from the shuttle.

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