STEM Chapters

Science, technology, engineering and math are key subjects to study in today's rapidly changing, technology-based society. They are also great subjects for interesting stories.

Below the earth's crust, its flowing, molten mantle can move the earth resting on it.

Virus hunters from Belgium, also known as "Disease Cowboys," arrive in Yambuku to begin investigating a killer, still-unnamed virus. They are on the t...

The Irish tenant farmer grows only one crop for both food and cash: the potato.

In Denmark, the body of a man from the Iron Age is found; it is the peat bog that causes the mummified remains to be so well preserved.

Jai Ho is a song that celebrates the ability of humans to transform their lives, and rise above the worst of circumstances

Lt. Col. Jimmy Doolittle believes that land-based planes, B-25 Mitchells, can reach Japan and drop bombs from navy ships not accustomed to carrying an...

John Bull symbolizes Britain while Uncle Sam represents America.

John Glenn orbits the earth, but almost becomes lost in space.

Many dinosaurs live during the Jurassic Era but the T-Rex, Raptor and the Triceratops live in the Cretaceous era.

To boost attendance at Jurassic World, scientists decide to create a hybrid dinosaur called Indominus Rex using DNA collected from four other fearsome...


K2, the second highest and riskiest mountain to climb, is in the Karakoram Range.

Katniss and Peeta, the last two Tributes, decide to defy the government by committing suicide to deprive the Capitol of a winner.

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