Film Story Briefs

Since the era of "silent films," moving pictures are an important part of worldwide culture. How did movies get their start? What are the stories behind the movies? Enjoy hundreds of stories in this Collection.

Lt. Col. James ("Jimmy") Doolittle and his crew ran out of fuel after their bombing run over Japan's home islands.

Red Tails, a story about African-Americans who flew for their country during WWII, is a story about racial prejudice and how a group of brave men achi...


Beginning in the fifteenth century, the Medici family, more than any other, presided over this time of cultural change known as "The Renaissance."

Richard I, son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine, reigned in Britain between 1188-1198.

Rick Rescorla, an employee for Morgan Stanley, worked in the World Trade Center and worried about a future terrorist attack. He planned ahead, in case...

Bagger Vance is the fictionalized version of Bhagavan (Lord) Krishna.

Robespierre dies, by guillotine, on July 28, 1794. During the French Revolution, he was known by his supporters as "The Incorruptible," but it was he ...

Who was Robin Hood? Was he a real person or merely a legend? If a real person, when did he live? If he lived, was he an outlaw? Could his name hav...

Depicted in the film, Bitter Harvest, Ukraine (and its people) suffered a disastrous famine when government policies impacted food production and dist...

After he was exchanged in a spy swap with Francis Gary Powers, Rudolf Abel returned to Russia. He lived there until his death in 1971.

Rudolf Abel, whose real name was William Fisher, under arrest for espionage, is transferred by plane to/from Texas where he is questioned at the Deten...

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