American History Documents

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Edgar Allan Poe published his short story, "The Tell-Tale Heart," in the January 1843 issue of "The Pioneer."

Because police and politicians in Chicago were not able to stop all the gang-related crime which was happening in their city, a group of people though...

A group of six people first approached the federal government to try and do what the local police and authorities were unwilling to do in Chicago:&nbs...

John Dunlap and his partner, David Claypoole, first printed the draft U.S. Constitution so the public could assess it. This is a copy of that printin...

This image depicts the language of what became known as "The Volstead Act."  It gave the federal government the right to enforcement Prohibition ...

Image of a song sheet called The Wife's Lament, a New Temperance Song, by Archibald Scott.  This song was sung to the tune of a familiar Air: De...

The governments list of witnesses, including Beverly W. Jones. Click on the image for a clearer view.

Thomas Jefferson was a man of contraditions.  He introduced a bill to end slavery, in 1779, yet he owned, and used, slaves at Monticello.  I...

A slave owner himself, Thomas Jefferson wrote a scathing indictment against it in his early draft of America’s Declaration of Independence. ...

This image depicts the second page of a letter which Thomas Jefferson sent to Miles King on the 26th of September, 1814.  In it he discusses his ...

Thomas Jefferson wrote many, many letters during his lifetime.  On September 6, 1819, he wrote to Spencer Roane.  This image depicts that le...

Thomas Jefferson believed that freedom of religion is essential to living an independent life.  He espoused his personal philosophy, along those ...

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