American History Documents

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

The Primary Shuttle Landing Facility, at Kennedy Space Center (KSC), is designed for returning Space Shuttle Orbiters.  Opened in 1976, the runwa...

The United States military planned an invasion of the Japanese Home Islands, dubbed "Operation Downfall."  Initial landings would have taken plac...

This book tells the story of what happened on Palawan Island when Japanese commanders decided to kill all the Allied prisoners of war who had worked f...

Mrs. Jefferson - called “Patty” by her husband, Thomas Jefferson - was often ill during the last years of her life.  Six years after ...

As reports came into the White House from Vietnam, during the summer of 1968, President Johnson often showed his emotions.  In this image, he is ...

Page 1 of President Johnson's speech - "Pattern for Peace in Southeast Asia" - which he gave to promote U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Click on the ima...

Page 2 of President Johnson's speech - "Pattern for Peace in Southeast Asia" - which he gave to promote U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Click on the ima...

Page 3 of President Johnson's speech - "Pattern for Peace in Southeast Asia" - which he gave to promote U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Click on the ima...

Page 4 of President Johnson's speech - "Pattern for Peace in Southeast Asia" - which he gave to promote U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Click on the ima...

Page 5 of President Johnson's speech - "Pattern for Peace in Southeast Asia" - which he gave to promote U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Click on the ima...

Page 6 of President Johnson's speech - "Pattern for Peace in Southeast Asia" - which he gave to promote U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Click on the ima...

Page 7 of President Johnson's speech - "Pattern for Peace in Southeast Asia" - which he gave to promote U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Click on the ima...

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