American History Documents

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

About fourteen months before he died, Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to Henry Lee.  Dated the 8th of May, 1825, the letter expresses (among othe...

This image depicts the concluding page of Thomas Jefferson's May 8, 1825 letter to Henry Lee in which he describes what was important to him as he dra...

Jefferson's letter to Napoleon, regarding the "Louisiana Purchase," is maintained by the National Archives.

Thomas Jefferson surmised who wrote the various articles as they appeared in The Federalist Papers.  This image depicts the notes he made in his ...

In 1817, Thomas Jefferson sent a list of helpful rules to live by to Paul Clay, the son of his friend Charles Clay.  He refined that list in 1825...

  Text of a "Runaway Slave Notice," from the Library of Congress, which indicates that Thomas Jefferson wanted the return of one of his slaves w...

President Jefferson asked Congress for $2,500 for the Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the West - all the way to the Pacific Ocean. 

The second page of President Jefferson's request to Congress for $2,500 for the Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the West - all the way to the Pa...

This illustration, c 1935 by Bernhardt Wall, depicts the Ten Commandments (or “Decalogue”) of Thomas Jefferson.  These “Ten Rul...

Image of a Defence Motion in the District Court of Eastern Pennsylvania proceedings - 1860. Click on the image for a better view.

The first page of President Kennedy's inaugural address, as it was actually given. Click on the image for a readable view. See, also:JFK Inaugural A...

The second page of President Kennedy's inaugural address, as it was actually delivered. Click on the image for a readable view.

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