Russian Studies Chapters

For about 70 years of its long history, Russia was part of the Soviet Union. Explore before-and-after stories about the country and its people, writers, artists, culture, rulers and worldwide influence.

Upset, Castro believes the Soviets leave Cuba no real protection against the US once the missiles are withdrawn from Cuba.

Ivan IV is a cruel murderer and an effective leader who strengthens Russia's stature at home and abroad.

Neither the Russians nor the US will budge on their positions about Cuba and the missiles.

Russians are installing medium-range ballistic missiles in Cuba with enough power to kill 80 million Americans.

Former Tsar Nicholas, his wife, his son, his four daughters and four of their assistants are shot in the cellar of their exiled home.

Even though he is a "super sniper", Konings is no match for Zaitsev who kills him.

Russia sends the first man and woman into space, but the United States is gearing up to catch up, and pass them.

Not content to be crown prince, or even Grand Prince, the teenage Ivan IV takes the title "Tsar."

Ivan effectively rules Muscovy while expanding the realm, so scholars refer to the first part of his reign (1547-1562) as the "Good Reign."

The K-19 belongs to the "Hotel" class of Soviet nuclear submarines and is not combat worthy.

People are fascinated with the life and death of the Romanovs; there are many biographies available about Tsar Nicolas and his family.

Even though the odds are against them, the people of Stalingrad overcome enormous hardships and hold out.

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