Russian Studies Chapters

For about 70 years of its long history, Russia was part of the Soviet Union. Explore before-and-after stories about the country and its people, writers, artists, culture, rulers and worldwide influence.

Operation Anadyr takes place when Soviet troops and ballistic weapons go to Cuba.

Operation Mongoose is a failed US-government attempt to overthrow Castro and communism in Cuba.

Hitler mistakenly assumes that the Russians cannot mount a counterattack.

While waiting for Stalin to arrive, President Truman writes of the devastation in Berlin.

Churchill proves himself as he leads his country to victory, but is voted out of office in 1940.

The sailors sent to repair the leak suffer from radiation sickness and many of them die.

Since the Empress becomes so dependent on Rasputin, members of the family believe murder is the only way to get rid of the monk.

Rasputin treats Alexei's hemophilia and becomes a trusted, close advisor to the Romanov family.

As Lenin relaxes Bolshevik policies in Ukraine, the people have a resurgence of national patriotism and culture.

An artist in his own right, Rudolf Abel used that profession, plus photography, as his cover in America. No one suspected that he was anything but wha...

Rudolf Abel, born in England and given the name Willy Fisher, became well-known as a Soviet spy when he was captured, in the US, during 1957.

Rudolf Abel's main contact, in the U.S., was a hard-drinking individual who was indiscrete about his activities. Abel rightly worried that he could be...

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