Nonfiction Works Chapters

Many of the world's greatest books are non-fiction works. This Collection will help you to explore both famous and not-so-famous titles.

Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, was the sixth of seven children who was sickly during his early childhood.

Watching the dripping of icicles might give us some idea of what it's like for a person with dementia whose thoughts seem to drip from their once-focu...

Henry Northup tells Platt (Solomon Northup) to throw down his sack because his "cotton-picking days are over."

Is a person, whose ability to speak is diminished by illness, able to speak to her husband with her eyes only?

In order to survive, starving men of the whaleship Essex resort to cannabilism, the very thing which kept them from seeking refuge at islands much-clo...

Special times and special stories take on new meaning between a grandmother and her grandson.

Mexican troops kill the Alamo defenders. Susanna Dickinson and Santa Anna both provide witness accounts.

When a caring nurse bathes a patient it can be a gift of mercy.

Edwin Epps orders Platt (Solomon Northup) to beat Patsey, another slave. When Platt defies Epps' wishes, for an even-worse beating, Epps cruelly whip...

Twenty men and one 14-year-old cabin boy leave Nantucket, aboard a whaleship called Essex. They plan to fill the barrels in their cargo hold with oil ...

To a person with dementia, thoughts pull away from a cohesive whole, just like a feather - in the air - floating on its own.

November 5 is "Guy Fawkes Day" because, in 1605, a plot to kill the King was thwarted when Fawkes was found with 36 barrels of gunpowder under the Hou...

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