Nineteenth Century Life Videos

What made the 19th century an interesting but tumultuous time? What technological, cultural and social changes influenced life then? Explore those issues in this story collection.

Meyer Lansky, according to people who knew him, built his "business" on his word.

The story of Beatrix Potter, and her relationship with Norman Warne, is brought to the screen by the Weinstein Company in a film entitled Miss Potter.

Although Vincent couldn't find a buyer for his paintings, they are extremely valuable today.

Susan B. Anthony did not live long enough to see American women voting in a national election.

Victoria and Albert find privacy on the Isle of Wight, but tragedy strikes when Albert dies at age 42. For years, the Queen stays out of the limelight...

British orphans - real Oliver Twists - were as young as seven or eight when they were transported hundreds of miles away to work at various jobs.

If General Santa Anna ordered a bugle to sound the signal "No Quarter," what did the Alamo defenders hear?

During the summer of 1864, Union engineers from Pennsylvania (with mining experience in their own state) dug a tunnel under Confederate lines at Peter...

People at the Fezziwig Ball dance to the tune of "Sir Roger de Coverley." This video displays that dance which was popular during Victorian times.

Liberty is dedicated July 4, 1886. She is a gift from the people of France to the people of America.

Benjamin Bunny (one of Beatrix Potter's famous characters) gets into all kinds of trouble (just like his cousin, Peter Rabbit).

This is a continuation of The Tale of Benjamin Bunny, an animated interpretation of Beatrix Potter's book of the same name.

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