Medicine Story Briefs

Understanding human anatomy, and how to diagnose and treat illnesses, has changed dramatically from ancient to modern times. This collection features people whose medical breakthroughs helped to save millions of lives.

Prince Albert (the future George VI, called "Bertie") had "knock knees." The medical professional had apainful wayof dealing with that condition in th...

John Forbes Nash became a professor while most young people his age were still trying to determine their career paths.

The illustration depicts a beating as a common method of "curing" insanity.

Image of a photograph depicting a Navy diver on the ocean floor after the crash of TWA 800 into the Atlantic Ocean off the south shore of Long Island ...

Joseph Warren, a popular and innovative doctor who advocated sterile conditions in treating patients and inoculation of small-pox patients, sent Paul ...

When Rome "ruled the world," its leaders punished people with a very cruel form of execution known as crucifixion. While hanging on a cross, individua...

In 1991, the first of two graves containing the suspected remains of Tsar Nicholas II and members of his family and household were officially opened f...

This map shows how the SARS virus spread and provides a brief description of its early days.

Scarlet Fever is an illness which is caused by bacteria. It may have been the illness which permanently impaired Helen Keller.

This illustration lists seven processes in neurotransmitter action.

In his narrative, Simon Northup describes his bout with a dreaded disease known as smallpox.

When soap and the virus causing COVID-19 come together, a chemical process begins. What is that process?

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