Law and Politics Story Briefs

What the law requires (or allows) is not always fair or just or honorable. Politics is often polarizing. Stories in this collection help us to examine the highs and lows of "the law" over the centuries.

When Stalin was leader of the Soviet Union, he implemented an industrialization program which transformed the USSR.

Not long before he dies, Jackie Robinson writes the story of his life.

Irish girls who had personal or familial issues in their lives were sometimes removed from their homes and sent to places known as "Magdalene Laundrie...

This German photograph, depicting Norwegian children “Getting Acquainted with the Invaders,” reportedly appeared in American newspapers fo...

Segregation and discrimination was an American fact of life even during the Kennedy Administration. Herb Block create a political cartoon based on a r...

During the first part of his reign, Tsar Ivan IV was not known as "Ivan the Terrible." That moniker came later, after his first wife died and he emplo...

When he was 32 years old, James Madison (then a member of the Continental Congress) fell in love with the daughter of a colleague.

In February of 1761, James Otis opposed taxation laws imposed on the American Colonies by the British Parliament.

Jan Hus opposed the church's sale of indulgences as a way to buy forgiveness of sins. He opposed the pope and the pope took his life.

Before the Pearl Harbor bombing, Japanese-Americans lived and worked on Terminal Island. After the bombing, their homes were destroyed and their way o...

After American and Filipino forces on the island of Bataan surrendered, Japanese-controlled media published the news.

Although a committee of five men are assigned to draft a Declaration of Indepenence, for the thirteen American Colonies, it is Thomas Jefferson, princ...

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