Law and Politics Story Briefs

What the law requires (or allows) is not always fair or just or honorable. Politics is often polarizing. Stories in this collection help us to examine the highs and lows of "the law" over the centuries.

This clip is from Eye of Vichy (L'oeil de Vichy) - by Claude Chabrol and narrated by Brian Cox (in the English version) - a documentary compiling hist...

Victor Emmanuel II became the first king of Italy in 1861. Ten years later, the entire country was united under his rule.

After Alice Paul, Lucy Burns and their colleagues are released, they renew their efforts to get a constitutional amendment, granting women the right t...

Image of George Mason's handwritten Declaration of Rights which he drafted in May, 1776.

Leader of the Bolshevik Revolution - in Russia - Vladimir I.

Although she enjoyed the Prince of Wales' attention, Wallis Simpson began to realize that her relationship with David (as the Prince was known to fami...

A DEA agent guards 5,137 pounds of cocaine seized from a Panamanian ship docked in Miami, Florida.

One reviewer, writing in The New York Times, has said this book is: "An invaluable record of an unforgettable American calamity."

General Washington was nearly fifty-two when he decided to retire from military life and return to his Mount Vernon plantation.

President Nixon always said he didn't know about a massive cover-up, but then a ''smoking gun'' tape was released. It led to the President's resignati...

Image of a political cartoon called Move over We can't stay in a holding pattern forever, by Herb Block and published July 29, 1973.

When Americans vote for their President, they are actually voting for people called electors who then cast their ballots for President and Vice Presid...

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