Law and Politics Story Briefs

What the law requires (or allows) is not always fair or just or honorable. Politics is often polarizing. Stories in this collection help us to examine the highs and lows of "the law" over the centuries.

Since it became America's capital city, circa 1800, Washington City had slaves. This compendium includes laws impacting slavery in the District.

This letter, dated the 4th of April 1864, reflects President Lincoln's personal view of slavery.

Compilation of images, from 1764, illustrating what Africans endured after being kidnapped by slavers.

Eva, the fictional heroine in "Someone Named Eva," is a victim of Nazi-Germany's "Lebenborn" program. What is that program? How did it impact the live...

Dr. Valentine Dale, a British diplomat during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, was attempting to negotiate with the Duke of Parma (Alexander Farnese) j...

Amidst the Spanish-Flu Pandemic, which impacted the world between 1918-1919, political cartoonists try to find a little humor despite all the bad news...

Colorized image of a drawing of Spencer Roane, Esq. He corresponded with Thomas Jefferson on key political topics.

Following the orders of Joseph Stalin, a young Soviet sergeant named Yakov Pavlov bravely resisted German forces during the Battle of Stalingrad.

Parliament passes the Stamp Act, in 1765, and Colonial Americans rise-up in protest. Parliament repels it on March 18, 1766. Ben Franklin's cartoon dr...

Stanley Baldwin - also known as 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley - is Britain's Prime Minister during Edward VIII's abdication crisis. He opposes the King...

Steve Murphy, the real-life DEA agent who helped to hunt-down Pablo Escobar, spent 37 years in law enforcement before he retired as an active officer.

In five days, the gains of five years are wiped out. But the plunge does not stop there. The freefalling market threatens the very foundation of Ameri...

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