Law and Politics Story Briefs

What the law requires (or allows) is not always fair or just or honorable. Politics is often polarizing. Stories in this collection help us to examine the highs and lows of "the law" over the centuries.

Richard Henry Lee (1732-1794), from Virginia, was an aristocrat who participated in many key events during the American Revolution.

Richard I (The Lionheart) was known for his bravery fighting in the Third Crusade (and his inability to speak English).

Richard I, King of England, decides to participate in the Third Crusade. His eventful journey takes him to Jerusalem.

On June 23, 1972, an audio recorder taped a damaging talk - called "The Smoking Gun" - between Nixon and Haldeman. The tape doomed Nixon’s presidenc...

Richard I, son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine, reigned in Britain between 1188-1198.

Although he wanted to be a writer, Robert Louis Stevenson met with resistance about such a profession from his Father, Tom Stevenson.

Who was Robin Hood? Was he a real person or merely a legend? If a real person, when did he live? If he lived, was he an outlaw? Could his name hav...

Ronald Millar - a playwright-speechwriter for Margaret Thatcher - played a major role in MT's rise to political power. Able to find "her voice," Mill...

Rosa Parks brought the civil rights movement fuel to grow with her actions.

Napoleon's soldiers were digging the foundation of a fort when they found a huge black stone covered with inscriptions. Who could have believed it hel...

For eight years, Rudolf Abel (Willy Fisher) lives in Brooklyn while serving as a Soviet spy. After he is betrayed by a fellow Soviet spy, Abel is arre...

Rudolf Abel, who was born in England and called Willy Fisher, illegally entered the United States in 1948. Thereafter, he would add to his long list o...

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