History Story Briefs

The Story of Us - from the beginning of time to the present - is usually written by "the victors." True-to-life events, however, must include opposing points of view. This collection features stories about people, places and events which go beyond "the already known and obvious."

Stockholm - where Lake Malaren meets the Baltic Sea - is built on an archipelago.

Wearing their distinctive uniforms, members of the Pontifical Swiss Guard leave the interior of St. Peter's Basilica, following an event in 2006.

This image depicts the Geneva Bible which was published in 1560.

At nearly midnight, on the 4th of November 1605, Guy Fawkes was hours away from blowing up the Houses of Parliament.

You can learn the events leading up to the overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation.

During the American Civil War, the North had significant concerns about Britain and France helping the South.

While Theseus was sailing to Crete, as a Tribute for King Minos and the Minotaur, the monster had a dream.

As his own father had abandoned his mother and her baby, Theseus abandoned his new wife, Ariadne.

It is clear from the way Tollund Man's body was found, in a Danish peat bog, that he died by hanging.

Mt. Vesuvius, an Italian landmark and one of the most famous volcanoes in the world, exists because it is located on a fault line running across Italy...

Domenikos Theotokopoulos (1541-1614), a famous painter better known as El Greco (“The Greek”), painted several views of the Spanish city o...

This image depicts a page from the Visconti Book of Hours. The original illumination - created by Luchino Belbello da Pavia, circa 1430 - measures&nbs...

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