History Documents

The Story of Us - from the beginning of time to the present - is usually written by "the victors." True-to-life events, however, must include opposing points of view. This collection features stories about people, places and events which go beyond "the already known and obvious."

When mummified remains are found in peat bogs, mountain summits and other places, sometimes facial features are preserved - sometimes they are not.&nb...

Why does the Orbiter perform strange maneuvers and banks to slow it down before landing? Other than its rocket-propulsion system, which the Shuttle...

Image of the Mayflower Compact, as written by William Bradford.

Image of Indian Presents, listed items on the Meriweather Lewis supply list.  

As the Kennedy Administration continued to monitor the situation in Vietnam - where North and South were fighting against each other - "military indic...

Image of a 1966 movie poster for Khartoum, copyright United Artists, all rights reserved. 

PROCEEDINGS OF NAVY COURT OF INQUIRY 341A witness called by the judge advocate entered. was duly sworn, and was informed of the subject matter of the ...

South Africa's new national anthem combines both "Nkosi Sikelele" and "Die Stem." Here are its words, with an English translation (where needed): ...

The Library of Congress has many news articles about Frederick Douglass.  This is one of them. Click on the image for a much-better view.

This is a facsimile version of a contemporaneous newspaper account regarding the fate of the conspirators.  CLICK ON THE IMAGE FOR A BETTER VIEW...

The "Weekely Newes"—for Monday the 31st of January, 1606—contains a story of the arraignment, trial and execution of the Gunpowder Conspir...

This telegram, dated the 6th of October 1993, notified Jamie Smith's parents that their son was killed in action in Mogadishu on October 3, 1993. Cli...

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