Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

Alexander proves himself fearless and wise in India.

Lack of commitment to the war by France and the Viet Minh's knowledge of the Vietnamese countryside turns the war in Vietnam's favor.

Vikings invent the longship, which they use to sail long distances to new places.

While in the asylum, van Gogh paints his surroundings, producing several of his most-beloved works.

This chapter describes the climate of the country under dictatorship.

Woolf's novel "Mrs. Dalloway," uses a "stream-of-consciousness" style to transform fiction writing.

On March 28, 1941, after years of suffering from mental illness, Virginia puts a heavy stone in her coat pocket and lets the river's current take her.

Bram Stoker creates Dracula the vampire, based on the real life cruelty of Vlad the Impaler.

Pioneers and their loaded wagons move west, forcing Native Americans to leave their ancestral lands.

The English attack Joan's village and she sees horrible events before her family flees.

After three tough fights with Arturo Gatti, Micky retires from the ring.

During much of Joan's life, the French and the English are actively fighting the Hundred Year War.

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