Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

Fossils found in Solnhofen Limestone provide much information about Earth's past history.

After Columbus "discovers" some of the Caribbean islands, Spain claims them and the area becomes known as the "Spanish Main."

Scholars think the story of Beowulf takes place near the present-day city of Roskilde, not far from Copenhagen.

Survivors do the best they can to pitch tents, find food and water, and look out for the children.

The Stalingrad people are recognized for their suffering and heroics and presented with tributes.

Attacks attributed to the Ripper typically involve female prostitutes who live and work in the Whitechapel-area slums of London.

Fifty years ago, TV brings war into American homes; the death and horror increase protests. The Tet Offensive deals a harsh blow to South Vietnam and ...

The Towers fell 24 minutes apart, killing thousands of people, but others survive due to miracles or heroes.

The three-part trading system consists of European goods, African slave labor, and British colony resources, such as coffee and tobacco.

On July 16, 1945, the U.S. tests an atomic device with stunning results. It was a day the world changed.

Menelaus talks his brother, Agamemnon, into helping him get his wife back. The Greeks set sail with 1,000 ships and believe that they will win the war...

U-boats are submarines the Germans use to attack Allied supply ships.

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