Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

The natural-gas compressor station—owned by Pacific Gas & Electric at Hinkley, California—used hexavalent chromium which was discharge...

The KLM captain attempts to avoid the collision, but slams into the side of the Pan Am jet.

Discovered in caves of Qumran, the Dead Sea Scrolls are the oldest-known surviving manuscripts of the Hebrew Scriptures.

John Felton, an angry soldier whose income is cut, walks 60 miles to stab Buckingham with a butcher's knife.

Stonewall Jackson falls while carried from the battlefield and later dies from pneumonia.

On the second floor of this rented house, Thomas Jefferson helps create the Declaration of Independence.

NASA and NOAA are able to track the spread of oil from the Deepwater Horizon disaster.

It takes 3 days of hunting for each other, but finally Vasily sees a reflection of Konig and is able to shoot and kill him.

Even though he is a "super sniper", Konings is no match for Zaitsev who kills him.

North Vietnamese aggression increases against the South, and by summer of 1964, US military presence expands and military deaths begin.

In the 1600s, the East India Company becomes one of the most powerful businesses in the world.

The Emperor unifies seven states into one empire and builds the Great Wall to keep out foreigners.

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