Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

Vincent begins to study art, while falling in love with his cousin (who does not love him).

Lewis and Clark return to Washington DC after 2.5 years of exploring. The group describes their journey, together with the plants and animals they had...

Sue—the most-complete fossilized remains of a T. rex ever found—is named for its discoverer, Sue Hendrickson. Experts do not know, however...

From the age of 5 to 15, Beatrix spends summers in Scotland where she falls in love with nature.

Potter spends summers in the Lake District and uses its surroundings in The Talk of Peter Rabbit.

A Soviet sub hit the Wilhelm Gustloff with three torpedoes.

In 1979, student protesters take over the U.S. embassy in Tehran and take hostages.

With help from France, Americans win their war of independence when the British surrender at Yorktown.

For six months Frank is in a Malmo, Sweden prison before the Italian government prosecutes him.

In April 2009, a Mexican woman dies from a severe virus; soon many others are ill around the world. Scientists believe the H1N1 Swine Flu virus is the...

The Nazis swear secrecy and follow a strict set of rules.

Barrie meets Sylvia Llewelyn Davies and her two boys at Kensington Gardens; he tells the boys stories of pirates, fairies and desert islands.

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