Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

The Soviet army, on its way to "free" Berlin during WWII, occupy several countries once controlled by the Germans.

Hitler underestimates Stalin and the Russian people when he plans to conquer the Soviet Union.

Hitler has plans to defeat Russia and control her oil fields, but he does not foresee the Russian resistance.

Space rocks are natural space debris that float in space, but occasionally reach the Earth's surface.

Port Royal, a center of activity for pirates of the Caribbean, includes the famousHenry Morgan who spends time there.

Because of wind and weather, the Armada has a long and difficult trip home; many of the ships crash onto the Irish shore.

Sparta is a Greece city-state which protects itself from enemies with its organized standing army.

Spinosaurus made the news in September of 2014 when paleontologists announced this dinosaur spent much of its life in water. A meat-eating creature fr...

A look at each phase of a Monarch butterfly's life, from birth through maturity.

Even with limited sunlight, Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg display many medieval stained glass treasures.

Many famous examples of stained glass can be found in the cathedrals of France.

Among Italy's architectural treasures are many spectacular stained glass windows.

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