Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

Meet some of the people who pack up their belongings and head west.

Unable to read or write their language, the rights of peasants are not important and their struggles ignored.

As he does with the characters of the Michael Sullivan family, Max Allan Collins invents the town of Perdition, Michigan.

Perpignan is in southern France and home to Castillet, a former prison.

Barrie begins Peter Pan in 1903 because he promises Charles Frohman a new play for Maude Adams; Peter is a character he has used before.

View Mathew Brady's photographs from the brutal battle at Petersburg, Virginia during America's War Between the States.

Peter the Hermit is a French man who goes from town to town preaching and motivating people to join the Crusade.

In 1994, the parties reach an agreement to arbitrate the case and place it into the hands of two retired judges.

By July and August of 1994, with the preconception win in their pockets, plaintiffs literally bombarded PG&E with six inches of motions to compel ...

The presence of hexavalent chromium (sometimes called "Chrome 6") in water turns the water bright yellow. This photo, by Cameron Hickey on behalf of t...

Once the toxic chrome 6 is in the unlined ponds, there is nothing to stop it from going into the wells that supply nearby homes.

Because Philip II of Spain is angry about Mary's execution and Britain's aid to the Dutch, he creates an Armada to go to war with Britain.

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