Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

Peter Pan's opening night is a complete surprise to the audience who loves the story; the five Llewelyn Davies boys love seeing their exploits on stag...

Operation Anadyr takes place when Soviet troops and ballistic weapons go to Cuba.

Operation Mongoose is a failed US-government attempt to overthrow Castro and communism in Cuba.

By 1992, Somali famine is terrible. Rebel leaders fight each other with weapons from the Soviet Union. The UN asks the US to begin Operation Restore H...

Hitler mistakenly assumes that the Russians cannot mount a counterattack.

Operation Uranus is Russia's plan to take back Stalingrad and force a German retreat.

Poe's gambling and borrowing leads to debt; left on his own, he leaves Virginia and returns to Boston as a literary critic.

Oswiecim, Poland is the location of Auschwitz because the Polish army is already there.

In 1663, John Eliot produces the first American printing of the Bible, in theAlgonquin language, for Native Americans.

The pioneering efforts of Swiss scientist, Hans Jenny, suggests sound vibrations could form crop circles.

There are three times as many Somalis in the mob as US soldiers. A 45-minute mission turns into hours and soldiers are put at risk by worldwide TV rep...

Mussolini begins Fascism in Italy after WWI; Hitler uses Mussolini's propaganda ideas to influence German youth.

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