Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

Neanderthals, believed to be an extinct species of the genus Homo, appear similar to modern humans.

Vikings are Scandinavians who sail from their lands to explore, plunder and settle other areas.

First-hand accounts of the Galveston storm exist in books in the Rosenberg Library.

Micky Ward, Dickie's half-brother, might lose his boxing career when police injure his hands.

After their hard lives, both brothers now train young fighters.

Micky becomes World Boxing Union welterweight world champion.

Later testimony shows the horrific conditions on board the slave ships where many slaves died.

Camp Minidoka is in southern Idaho and less well known than other internment camps.

As the Spanish Armada returns home, by way of Scotland and Ireland, the men encounter bad storms. Many die in the shipwrecks but also at the hands of ...

US soldiers ask for, but do not receive, proper equipment and weapons. This mission is like the Tet Offensive in Vietnam; poor policies are in place a...

PG&E passes out flyers to residents suggesting their chemicals are not harmful and even make them sound helpful.

  Although the dangers of hexavalent chromium (also known as "Chromium VI" or "Chrome 6") have long been known, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&a...

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